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Florida Hospital District Case Study

Uncovering Substantial Savings for a Prominent Healthcare System in South Florida

A leading South Florida healthcare system encountered the challenge of increasing AT&T telecom expenses due to the complexity of its network. Addressing their escalating monthly costs, they sought S2K Consulting's expertise to optimize their telecom spend, leading to $840K in savings.


The healthcare system, with its extensive network of hospitals, faced the daunting challenge of rising telecom expenses. Managing costs efficiently is imperative in the healthcare sector, but the intricacies of their telecom infrastructure often led to inefficiencies. The healthcare system turned to S2K Consulting to optimize their telecom spending and enhance overall efficiency.

S2K Consulting took on the task of transforming the healthcare system's telecom spend. Our approach was focused on uncovering hidden savings, improving efficiency, and enhancing communication across the healthcare network.

Our customized audit approach revealed numerous opportunities for savings, which included, but were not limited to:

Voice Line Disconnection

S2K Consulting identified and disconnected over 1,100 voice lines that were no longer necessary, streamlining costs and resources.

Rate Plan Implementation

Corrections were made on over 3,100 rate elements, which were identified as not billing in accordance with the Hospital’s existing contracts.

Credit Negotiation

S2K Consulting engaged in negotiations with AT&T to secure over $244,000 in back credits for billing discrepancies.

S2K Consulting generated over $840,000 in annual savings.

S2K Consulting's results-driven approach and commitment to optimizing telecom expenses empowered one of South Florida's leading healthcare systems to achieve significant cost reductions. We take pride in helping healthcare institutions achieve their financial goals, further enabling them to make a real impact on the health and well-being of their communities.


Speak with an AT&T Billing Optimization Expert

Give us 30 minutes and we will share with you how we can significantly reduce your organization’s monthly telecom spending.

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